
The Undefined, Defining Moments: Essential queer stories 2024
Principlism and contemporary ethical considerations for providers of transgender health care, International Journal of Transgender Health 2024
Recognizing the Existential, Surviving Transphobia 2024
What Do Trans People Expect from Transition and What Do They Encounter Physically, Context, Principles and Practice of Transgynecology 2023
Unbending the Light: Changing Laws and Policies to Make Transgender Health Visible; Reflections of an Advocate, The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 2022
The Misapplication of the WPATH Standards of Care in Olympic Policy and Elite Sport, WPATH 2022 Scientific Symposium Poster
Standards of Care for the Health of Transgender and Gender Diverse People, Version 8, International Journal for Transgender Health 2022
Tailspin, Covidology: Sharing Life Lessons from Behind the Mask 2022
Uterine transplantation and donation in transgender individuals; proof of concept, International Journal of Transgender Health 2021
Bell v Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust [2020] EWHC 3274: Weighing current knowledge and uncertainties in decisions about gender-related treatment for transgender adolescents, International Journal of Transgender Health 2021
Impact of name change and gender marker correction on identity documents to structural factors and harassment among transgender and gender diverse people in Texas, Sexuality, Gender & Policy 2021
Billy Tipton, Desistance, Detransition, and WPATH, The SAGE Encyclopedia of Trans Studies 2021
Becoming a Visible Man, Second Edition 2020
History, Societal Attitudes, and Contexts, Gender Confirmation Surgery: Principles and Techniques for an Emerging Field 2020
Tenacity. TRANScestors: Navigating LGBTQ+ Aging, Illness, and End of Life Decisions; Volume 1: Generations of Hope 2020
Navigating Trans*+ and Complex Gender Identities 2019
Doctor Livingstone, You Presume, Glimmerings: Trans Elders Tell Their Stories 2019
What do you want us to call you?, TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly, Vol. 5, No. 1 2018
Employment Issues: A Personal View, The Transgender Handbook: A Guide for Transgender People, Their Families and Professionals (Human Sexuality) 2017
Legal issues for transgender people: a review of persistent threats, Sex Health 2017
Comparing self-and provider-collected swabbing for HPV DNA testing in female-to male transgender adult patients: a mixed-methods biobehavioral study protocol, BMC Infectious Diseases 2017
The Proposed ICD-11 Gender Incongruence of Childhood Diagnosis: A World Professional Association for Transgender Health Membership Survey, Archives of Sexual Behavior 2016
Health insurance coverage issues for transgender people in the United States, Center of Excellence for Transgender Health 2016
Transgender: why should we care? (zip), The Lancet 2016
Transgender people: health at the margins of society (zip), The Lancet 2016
Medicare May Cover Transsexual Surgery, LGBT Health, Vol. 1, No. 4, Dec. 2014.
Electronic Medical Records and the Transgender Patient: Recommendations from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health EMR Working Group, Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2013
If I Follow The Rules, Will You Make Me a Man?: Patterns in Transsexual Validation, University of La Verne Law Review: vol. 34, 2012
First, Do No Harm: Reducing Disparities for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Questioning Populations in California, The California LGBTQ Reducing Mental Health Disparities Population Report 2012
Standards of Care for the Health of Transsexual, Transgender, and Gender Nonconforming People, Version 7, WPATH 2012
Foreword to Transfigurations by Jana Marcus 2011
Forces in Motion: Law, Medicine, the Media, and the Religious Right in Kantaras v Kantaras (dissertation, Ph.D. in Equalities Law 2011
Guide to Organizing for Transgender Health, Transgender Law Center, San Francisco 2008
Transgender Rights in the U.S.A, lead author National Sexuality Resource Center, SFSU 2008
Utilization of Health Care Among Female-to-Male Transgender Individuals in the United States, Journal of Homosexuality 2008
Evolutionary Changes, Love, Castro Street: Reflections of San Francisco 2007
Part of the Package: Ideas of masculinity among male-identified transpeople, Men and Masculinities 2005
Becoming a Visible Man 2004
Centering: An Alternative Perspective, Bisexuality and Transgenderism: InterSEXions of the Others 2003
The Art and Nature of Gender, Unseen Genders: Beyond the Binaries 2001
Introduction to Transgender Equality: A Handbook for Activists and Policy Makers, National Gay & Lesbian Task Force 2000
In the Body of a Man, Male Lust: Pleasure, Power, and Transformation 2000
FTM⎯An Emerging Voice, Current Concepts in Transgender Identity 1998
Look! No, Don’t!—The Visibility Dilemma for Transsexual Men, Reclaiming Genders: Transsexual Grammars at the Fin de Siècle, 1999
Gender Identity and Bisexuality, Bisexuality: the psychology and politics of an invisible minority 1996
Getting Real About FTM Surgery, The Journal of Transgressive Gender Identities 1995
Investigation into Discrimination Against Transgendered People, City & County of San Francisco Human Rights Commission 1994